At Your Service Logo

Showcasing Hand-drawn mark for At Your Service Logo. Also Business Card design.
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Shea was Published?!

Shea's work appears in the book, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Graphic Design. Fortunately it is in the "How To" section and not the "Not How To."
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Extra, Extra, read all about it.

Friday afternoon we got a call to do our first newspaper interview. We dropped what we were doing and headed up the street to sit down and tell our hometown what 3thought is all about. And, lucky for us, Old Colony Memorial is being delivered free of charge this week to Plymouth Residents. So, please…
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3 thoughts for the week of May 18, 2009

Β Conference Calls are a good way to keep things moving. Β Cat toys that make noise are not conducive to conference calls. Β Having whooping cough is not conducive to staying focused on work. Here’s to hoping that our production meetings don’t sound like the TB ward next week.
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Brooklyn CareWorks Logo

Logo development for long-standing health care provider.
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3 thoughts for the Week of May 11, 2009

Finalizing Company Identity Materials is TOP priority. Learning WordPress is equally easy as confusing but always rewarding. “I love the 70s” radio is conducive to productivity (mostly because Matt doesn’t complain about Shea’s Top 40 pop).
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Zingr Communications Logo Design

Mark Haddad of Zingr Communications approached 3thought to help create a bold new logo design to help with the brand identity of his mobile marketing startup. First on the wishlist for a logo was a design that encorporated the fresh, techy and modern feel of the company. One of the design challenges team Zingr presented…
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Signal SMS Logo

Name and Logo development for SMS technologies.
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