3thought at Wordcamp Boston 2011

3thought attended WordCamp Boston 2011 to learn all the latest about the Wordpress web development platform. The 3thought team was also invited to provide sign and badge designs for the event. It was a wonderful weekend all around.
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3 thoughts for the week of July 4, 2011 (South Shore Tweetup, Wordcamp Boston & Tech Day)

As South Shore people it can be a little tough to meet new people. Let’s face it, these southern ‘burbs aren’t the hub of social interactions. Don’t get us wrong, there’s plenty of great people south of Boston, but definitely not as manyΒ opportunitiesΒ to meet these interesting new folks. Recently, we found a group of local…
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Claims Consulting Group Logo

Claims Consulting Group hired 3thought to create a simple yet unique logo mark with some classic type. The idea for the logo was to make it look a bit like a water droplet hitting the water and a ripple of waves.
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Brewster Productions – Acoustic Nights Poster

Founded in 2007 by Scott McEwen & Jon Dorn, Brewster Productions is a Plymouth based musical production, booking and management company. Since 2007 Brewster productions has put on over 120 shows here in New England. The story of how 3thought and Brewster Productions connected actually goes back to twitter in 2009. At the time, twitter…
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New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers 2011 Membership Reception Invite

3thought continues to re-invent the classic invitation for the New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers by keeping costs low and design tastes high.
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3thoughts for “Good” Friday 2011

A good read we found this week is entitled: How to Steal like an Artist (and 9 other things nobody ever told me), by Austin Kleon. There’s some great advice in there about how to live life on your terms. The part that really resonated with us was Austin’s theory about how young artists can…
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Graphic Design Terminology: Leading

Leading: A typography term that refers to the space between lines of type. This is also known as “line spacing” too. Leading is generally measured as the distance from one baseline of type to the next. The term dates back to days of manual typesetting (ancient, we know) when strips of lead (yes, actual metal)…
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Devlin S-AFE Program Brochure

3thought added a very unique die cut and artistic touches to a small format brochure to create both intimacy and impact.
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Graphic Design Terminology: Resolution

Resolution: All images have a resolution. Whether that image is displayed on a tv, computer, phone Β or printed in a book, brochure or magazine. Resolution refers to the detail of the image (see image below). Images with low resolution have less detail and images with high resolution have more details. Resolution is typically measured in…
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