Don’t Panic

Nothing too important in regards to 3thought and business to report here today. Matt actually just found a file that people ask him about from time to time and we wanted to share. Anyone who knows us, knows we’re huge fans of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and if you’ve ever witnessed Matt answer…
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3 thoughts on why your business totally needs a website

We were shocked to learn that not all of you have a website. For all you people still on the fence or sticking your head in the sand, here are 3 thoughts on why your business needs to get it together and build a website: Discoverability, Competition, and Opportunity. Don't miss out.
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The Shaw Home Custom Booth Graphics and Table Throw

After designing a handful of pieces (website, brochures & pocket folder) for The Hannah B.G. Shaw Home, the nursing home called 3thought again for help with designing a booth for trade shows and conferences. The approach was really simple. Design a booth that looks nice and picks up on the identity we had created in…
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The Shaw Home Custom Brochures & 9×12 Pocket Folder

The Hannah B.G. Shaw Home in Middleboro, MA is one of the nicest Senior Living Communities not only in Massachusetts, but in all of the country. We had worked with the Shaw Home when they redesigned their corporate website last year, and we were thrilled to help when they contacted us about rejuvenating some of…
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3 thoughts for the week of October 11, 2010 (philosophizing on design/designers)

Last week, the 3thought team attended a roundtable presented by AIGA Boston for FutureM called โ€œDesign 2014โ€. The theme was to discuss how we apply the design thinking of tomorrow in todayโ€™s world. We left with our brains buzzing and they really havenโ€™t been quiet since. This weekโ€™s 3 thoughts are dedicated to the philosophical…
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3 thoughts on FALL 2010

With summer ending and fall starting this week, we're giving you 3 thoughts chocked full of reasons to get excited about the change in seasons. Have a read and let us know what gets you excited about fall.
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Shea Speaks at 2010 GAT Conference

Shea recently gave 3 presentations to Do-It-Yourself Marketers at the 2010 Gymnastics Association of Texas.
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Schernecker Property Services Website

Schernecker Properties Services was seeking to modernize their website with a new, crisp aesthetic. 3thought created an uncomplicated, thoughtful design that puts this site at the head of its class.
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3 thoughts for the week of August 16, 2010 (business advice from Yoda)

3thought takes life & business lessons from quotes by Jedi Master Yoda.
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